Diagnostic test for Trichinella (TRI Ab)
Trichinella spiralis (TRI) is a parasite that infects swine, other carnivorous animals, and humans. Infection occurs when a pig consumes meat containing the larvae found in uncooked garbage or in meat from infected carcasses of swine or a rat. A human becomes infected by consuming raw or undercooked infected pork. After the ingestion of infected meat, the larvae are digested and freed of the muscle cyst, enter the epithelia of the small intestine, and within four to six days develop into sexually mature adults. They continue to reproduce and invade the muscle tissue. Infected animals generally show no clinical signs, the infection is visible in muscle fibers during the slaughter. In humans it can cause fever, muscle pain, diarrhea and abdominal pain. There is no treatment for affected animals. In human infections, anthelmintics, anti-inflammatory agents and other supportive treatments are used.

Diagnostic test for Trichinella Ab
Sample material:
Diagnostic test contains the following components:
- REDTEST test device
- Assay buffer
- Disposable dropper
- Instruction of use