Diagnostic test for EHR-LYM-ANA-CHW Combo Test for dogs
Anaplasmosis is a tick-borne disease caused by the infectious bacterial organism Anaplasma
phagocytophilum. It is transmitted through bites of the deer tick (also known as the black-legged tick) and western black-legged tick.
Lyme disease, also known as Lyme borreliosis, is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium named Borrelia, spread by ticks. Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria can travel to different parts of the body and cause problems in specific organs or locations, such as joints, as well as overall illness.
Ehrlichiosis is a tick-borne infectious disease of dogs, usually carried by the brown dog tick caused by Ehrlichia canis bacteria.
Dirofilariasis is an infectious disease of dogs and other mammals, for which are responsible the
parasites of the genus Dirofilaria. It is a nematode that inhabits the pulmonary arteries of dogs.
With a large invasion, it can also appear in the right ventricle. Intermediate hosts are females of
more than 60 species of mosquitoes. The most common symptoms are: weight loss, reflex
coughing, rapid breathing and shortness of breath, fever, heart murmurs, symptoms of heart
failure, widening of the jugular veins, positive venous pulse, ascites and exercise intolerance.

Diagnostic test for EHR-LYM-ANA-CHW Combo Test
Sample material:
Diagnostic test contains the following components:
- REDTEST test device
- Disposable capillary dropper
- Assay buffer
- Instruction of use